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  • Welcome our new academic visitor Miss Xiaoqi NONG!
  • University of Essex becomes member of EPSRC UK Robotics and Autonomous systems network

    The University of Essex has been granted membership to the EPSRC UK Robotics and Autonomous systems network (UK-RAS). Prof Huosheng Hu, Prof Klaus McDonald Maier Prof Dongbing Gu and Dr.Vishuu Mohan are representing the university in this network of leading robotics centers in UK. The RAS network is involved in numerous activities like:

    a) Identifying future research roadmaps and translational pathways in Robotics and influence government policy in the effective uptake of RAS;

    b) Proactively engage with existing and future users of RAS particularly in transport, healthcare, manufacturing, unmanned systems, extreme environments, agrotech. Promote active industrial engagement, initiation of major new national and international grants and seeking leveraging funding sources;

    c) To create a critical mass around the UK's research strengths in RAS and stimulate exchange of knowledge, the flow of people and the creation of new projects and partnerships to address unmet engineering challenges and capitalize on the opportunities that they present;

    d) Attract and nurture talented young researchers in using the network as a platform to initiate and advance their future careers in RAS.

    e) Organize a wide range of activities including network and strategic roadmap events such as the UK Robotics Week, symposia and focused workshops, public engagement and exhibitions. As a part of this network, the University will also be participating in the UK robotics Week 2018.